What’s in a business school ranking?

Zurich Institute of Business Education

Dear reader

In a recent article with the title „The Dark Side Of B-School Rankings“, Mr. John Byrne from „Poets & Quants“ reflected on merits and dangers of business school rankings.

Poets & Quants is a social network. Its goal is to create a helpful community of people interested in graduate business school education and I feel we belong to that community.

He points out that those rankings are suspicious and uncovered the case of UCMK, the University of Missouri—Kansas City which was rated higher than MIT and Stanford.

“Could be”, you might say and so do I. However, they also uncovered that the Chinese authors of the study had been at the same Chinese university where one of the professors had been a part-time professor the previous four years, and at UMKC, the three shared the same office number.

Bildschirmfoto 2014-11-05 um 21.23.05Business school rankings: curse or blessing?

Another professor…

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